October 1, 2008

Costa Rican Blitz

Monteverde Photos (21)
Volcan Arenal Photos (8)

You are probably going to need to brace yourself or sit down or something, because I am about to share with you how long I was in this country - and if I may say, I believe I deserve a standing ovation for this. Ok, ready? 6 DAYS!!! Is that wicked or what?!?! That is less than a week and I did a whole country in that time! Granted, it was a small one, but come on, 6 days? That is a major accomplishment for me!

Costa Rica is like the American haven for travel in Central America. Typically safer, more infrastructure, and lots of English spoken, which, inevitably, leads to higher prices. So basically I wasn't a fan. Don't get me wrong, Costa Rica has some amazing things to see, but it is hard to feel like a traveler here instead of a tourist, as well as hard to engage locals in their lifestyle and language instead of your own. Along with high prices, this basically accounts for my limited time in the country. So what was I up to...

The first stop after crossing the border was a little surfer beach town on the Carribean called Puerto Viejo. After Bocas, it wasn't as good as it would have been after the mountains or desert, say, but pleasant nonetheless. Unfortunately, when it was good weather and light to take pictures, I was sitting on a beach, and when I had a camera ready, it was raining. So no pictures. Apparently I met Captain Zero of In Search of Captain Zero book fame, but couldn't verify it...even if I wanted to. Don't worry if you don't know who that is, I still don't.

Two days in PV, then an all day mission to get to Monteverde, home of the canopy zip line tours, seemingly well known back in the States. I promptly went the next morning, and thanks to our "guides," I have some photos to show of this. It was a very cloudy day, so not a lot of landscape to see, but it was cool to sail off into the mist on the zip lines, though I would have like to have it open for a bit to see just how out in the open we were, plus see the views of the forest and coast. (If easily offended by four letter words, just skip past the paragraph inbetween the pictures, and to the paragraph starting with ***** below. You've been warned)

Lovin' it

Coming in with speed

Jumping off on the Tarzan Swing

Swinging through the trees

Most notably, I underwent the experience of being shit on by a monkey. Yes, you read right, I was shit on by a monkey (and I say shit because I wasn't pooped on, crapped on, or any other nicer version of the word. It was a vulgar act that can be described in no other form than with the application of the word shit. Plus, it is the natural thing to say once you realize what just happened). Arriving on one platform, some howler monkeys were in the branches above, did some howling, and apparently didn't take a liking me. Next thing a I know, something plops on my shoulder, and I wipe away a big chunk of shit. Still stunned, a new volley landed atop my helmet. Then it was duck and cover under a nearby tree branch while cursing the furry devils and trying to explain I didn't vote for the guy, and we could still be friends. It didn't really seem to matter, as more continued falling, a bit landing on a poor Assie girl. Thankfully, we were out of there relatively quickly and I got a bucket of water soon after to wash off the woody smelling defecations. Guess I get to chalk up that unique experience on my list of adventures had while traveling...

Culprit: Howler Monkey


This came off my shoulder

Straight down, away from monkeys

*****From Monteverde it was a halfday trip to La Fortuna, a small town at the base of the most active volcano in Central America, Volcan Arenal. The pictures are amazing when they sell you the tour, a whole mountainside glowing read in lava, but the reality of it was far less dramatic. We were able to see some fiery chunks tumble noisily down the mountain, but all in all a bit of a let down when you think about the fact that you are visiting the most active volcano north of the equator. On the way up our over excited guide had us stopping the van in the middle of the road to look at toucans, monkeys, etc., and I couldn't help remembering all those wonderful people that do the same when visiting Tahoe. At least it wasn' me driving, I guess. After the jungle walk to see the lava and a bit of rum (couldn't tell you why...), we went to some natural pools to enjoy the hot river flowing from the volcano. It wasn't until the most recent eruption that the river became heated, but it stays around 98-100 degrees these days. A fun little outing with most of the people in my hostel, so all in all, a good trip.

It was one more all day adventure to get to and across the Costa Rica/Nicaragua border, and I finally ended up in a dive on a border town, learning about favorite prostitutes in the area from some guests and trying to get in some reading inbetween the power failures due to the pouring rain. All in a day's travel.

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