August 23, 2007

The Brazilian BBQ

The Brazilian barbeque, otherwise known as churrasco (shoo-haws-ko), is an amazing thing. While they do make it at family gatherings and what not like us, they also have what they call churrascarias, which are basically an all-you-can-eat barbeque buffet, complimented by another buffet of salads, pastas, etc. While you get up to serve yourself from the salad/pasta buffet, the meat comes to on large spikes fresh out of the fire via numerous servers. They have steak, and pork and chicken and sausage and lots of stuff that I don't know what it is but it tastes good so I eat it anyway. And they have chicken hearts. Grilled chicken hearts. They are kind of bland tasting I think, not really worth the effort, but some people love 'em. And those boys with the meat just keep coming and coming and coming. They don't stop. They would feed you until you explode if they could. That might be the most important skill in this atmosphere, is being able to say no. I know of a few of these Churrascarias in the States, but you pay a whopping $75 for it. Here, it costs around 25 brazilian reales, or about 13 US dollars. Brilliant!

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