September 29, 2007

Doo, Doo, DUUH!

And I'm off. Well, tomorrow. Obviously I can't say that this second, because I have to be in front of a computer typing, and thus can't actually be off. Anyway, it all begins tomorrow. My psyche goes back and forth all the time from passionate adventurer, face painted blue like William Wallace, screaming as I charge forward into the unknown, to this fearful, cynical coward, asking myself all sorts of obvious questions and pointing out self-evident facts aimed at discouraging myself. Dialogues go something like this:

-Do you know the distance between here and your home?
-Yah, huge. And what language do they even speak?
---Well, lots...
-Not English. And did you know there are robbers, and muggings, and drugs, and drug dealers, and mean people who are mean? And they have these crazy leaders who think they are above the law and accuse other countries of being evil?
---Are you talking about my country or the Americas still?
-Whatever. There is a train that leaves Boston at five o'clock traveling west at 30 mph, and another train that leaves from San Francisco at seven o'clock-
---Nine o'clock. I went to Cal Poly, studied engineering, remember?
-Oh yeah. What's an auxilary verb?
---Gah, get out of my head!

All in all though I am excited to be setting out on this adventure. Sometimes I am terrified, but excited and terrified. I know there is so much to learn, so much to see, and so much to gain from this trip. I hope you will help me by praying for me. I will be including a list on the side bar, but will write a more detailed one below:

-Pray for safe, trustworthy travel companions. This is big. I will be spending a lot of time with these people and be changing them a lot as I go.
-The Lord's protection on bus trips, protection from theft and/or harm, and for safe driving.
-Pray I will honor God in my actions and witness as I travel
-That I won't get my camera snagged. I will be taking lots of pictures, probably when I shouldn't (what's the point if I come home with no pictures?).
-That I pick up the language quickly. Communicating is slightly important.
-A visa for entering Paraguay. Don't have one yet, and will need it pretty soon.
-That my innocent Tahoe/SLO naivety will not shine through, because I am way to trusting, sometimes way to unaware of my surroundings, and way too nice. But also pray I won't be a jerk. =)

Thanks so much for your prayers thus far, your encouragement, and even your emails to just say hi. They mean a lot to me, and it is always great to hear from you guys. Let me know if I can be praying for you in anyway. Other than that, I guess just stay tuned! Love you guys. God bless!

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